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摘要: 廊坊有哪些知名的企业啊? 山特维克(中国)有限公司是一家高科技材料工程集团公司,由遍布全球130个国家的300...


山特维克(中国)有限公司是一家高科技材料工程集团公司,由遍布全球130个国家的300多家子公司组成,年营业额超过420亿瑞典克朗,拥有34000名员工。山特维克科莱蒙工具公司是山特维克工具公司较大的子公司之一,山特维克科莱蒙工具公司在开发、生产和销售烧结硬质合金、陶瓷以及金刚石和立方碳化硼等高硬度材料作为金属切削工具和工具系统方面处于世界领先地位。山特维克科莱蒙工具公司于1993年在中国建立了销售网络,并投资5000万克朗在廊坊建立了第一个生产基地,占地2000平方米,主要从事标准和非标准刀柄的生产。1996年,山特维克科莱蒙公司在廊坊一期工厂的基础上,投资1.1亿克朗建设了中国最先进的硬质合金刀具工厂,占地5000平料。工厂采用最先进的生产工艺和技术,并致力于环保和维护。廊坊工厂于1998年12月通过了国际质量标准ISO9002认证。目前,山特维克科莱蒙刀具公司在廊坊的总投资已超过3000万美元。山特维克集团是一家高科技材料工程公司,在130个国家拥有300多家子公司。该集团每年在SEK的营业额为420亿英镑,在全球拥有34000名员工。AB Sandvik Coromant是Sandvik Tooling的大型公司之一,在开发、生产和销售使用硬质合金、陶瓷以及金刚石和立方氮化硼等超硬材料的金属切削工具方面处于国际领先地位。自1993年起,AB Sandvik Coromant在中国建立了全国性的销售机构,并于同年在廊坊投资5000万SEK和2000平方米建立了生产工厂,生产标准和特殊刀具架。1996年,AB Sandvik Coromant公司在第一期工程的基础上再投资1 . 1亿SEK,建造了一个5000平方米的插入式生产装置。这家工厂是中国生产硬质合金刀片最现代化的工厂。它利用了生产过程中可用的最新技术,同时符合最高的环境要求。山特维克廊坊于1998年12月通过ISO 9002认证。截至目前,山特维克科罗曼特在廊坊的投资总额已超过3000万美元。卢卡斯伟力达走廊重型制动器有限公司是由廊坊直属重工国有资产经营有限公司、美国伟力达实业有限公司、英国卢卡斯公司三家合资企业在廊坊经济技术开发区设立的合资企业。主要生产汽车制动钳总成和盘式制动器总成。该厂已为红旗、奥迪、桑塔纳、金杯、捷达、金龙等多家汽车生产企业提供配套制动器,成为国内最大的汽车制动器生产企业。卢卡斯瓦里蒂阆中制动器有限公司是由廊坊市国有重工业资产经营有限公司、美国瓦里蒂工业有限公司和英国卢卡斯公司在廊坊经济技术开发区投资兴建的合资企业,专业生产汽车制动钳和板式制动器。作为红旗、奥迪、桑塔纳、金杯、捷达、万耐特等汽车制造商的制动器供应商,已成为国内较大的汽车制动器制造商。全兴实业(廊坊)

有限公司是全兴国际集团在廊坊经济技术开发区设立的独资企业,主要生产汽车座椅、内装饰品、摩托车坐垫、方向盘、各种橡胶制品、OA办公系统家具、人造革、学生书包、各种手袋、服装,并以使用者的安全、舒适为经营宗旨,为提高社会生活水平而不懈努力。 Quanxing Instrial (Langfang) Co., Ltd: exclusively invested by Taiwan Tsuang Hine Group with main business in the proction of auto chairs and interiors, cushions, steering wheel and rubber parts of motorcycle, OA office furniture, artificial leather, schoolbag, varieties of handbag and clothing. The company is devoted in the effort to improve social living standard by providing customers with safety and comfort. 中国廊坊美联制动装置有限公司系大型中美合资企业,注册资金2.5亿元,是国家规划定点的汽车制动装置专业化生产厂。公司产品门类齐全,质量可靠,供货及时,商誉较高。车用空压机系列产品,87年引进德国科诺公司专有技术已形成6大系列,近120个品种,适用于各类载货车、大客车工程机械。年产销35万台,为国内30多家知名汽车厂和发动机厂配套。国内市场占有份额达40%。轿车制动器系列产品已开发24个品种,年产30万件,分别为国产奥迪、捷达、红旗、桑塔纳、金杯、夏利、依维柯等车型配套。到2000年,企业经过进一步改造,可形成年产空压机60万台,轿车制动零部件300万件的生产能力。 Langfang Milan Brakes Co., Ltd.: Sino-US joint venture with registration capital of 250 million RMB, specialized and designated manufacturer of air compressor and auto brake unit. Procts of high quality manufactured with the latest German technology have earned Langfang wide recognition and acceptance in the automotive components instry. The air compressors (annual proction capacity of 350,000 set), including 6 series with 120 varieties, are widely used in trunks, buses and construction machines. As the supplier of 30 automobile manufactories, it takes more than 40% market share domestically. There are 24 types of brake series (used respectively for Audi, Jetta, Red Flag, Santana, Jinbei, Charade and Iveco) with annual proction capacity of more than 300,000. By the year 2000, the proction ability may grow up to 3 million pieces in brake parts and 600,000 sets in air compressor. 天龙制锯(中国)有限公司是日本天龙制锯株式会社和韩国英昌共同投资在中国设立的企业,主要从事各种锯类产品的制造加工及销售。公司全套引进日本生产线,全部原材料也从日本进口。一流的设备及独特的制锯技术,保障产品质量优异,在国际市场上享有盛誉。他们的产品广泛用于各种金属、非金属材料的切割加工,产品规格齐全,可满足不同行业的需要。 Tenryu(China) Saw MFG Co., Ltd.: joint venture cooperated between Japanese Tenryu Saw MFG. Corp. and Korean Ying Chang Saw & Knife Co., Ltd. to proce and sell all kinds of saw procts. The company imported complete proction line and raw materials from Japan. With advanced equipment, unique saw-making technology and high quality, the procts enjoy high reputation on international market. The procts are widely applied for cutting various metal and non-metal materials with complete specifications and dimensions, which meet the needs of different instry. 廊坊日质机械工具有限公司是由日本尤尼卡株式会社投资组建的独资企业,专门生产各类孔加工工具,可加工金属、水泥、玻璃、大理石、薄壁、管材等。 Langfang Ri Machinery Tools Co., Ltd.: exclusively invested by Japanese Unik Corp,specialized in the manufacturing of various hole machining tools applied for the processing of metal, cement, glass, marble, thin wall and pipe materials. 廊坊大进不锈钢制品有限公司是集科研、开发、制作、经营及国内国际贸易为一体的综合性实业公司,拥有国际先进水平的系列化专用设备,实行严格的制度化、集团化科学管理。下设不锈钢器皿厂、制刀厂、厨房设备厂、餐具厂和装饰材料厂,在国内二十个省市设有分公司和销售网点。公司生产的“奥星”牌不锈钢真空保温容器系列产品远销亚洲、欧洲、美洲等50多个国家和地区。 Langfang Dajin Stainless Steel Procts Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive instrial company integrates scientific research, developing, operation and trade. The company has international standard equipment, strict regulations and scientific management. There are five subsidiaries under the company (Stainless Steel Utensil Plant, Knife Plant, Kitchen Equipment Plant, Tableware Plant and Decoration Materials Plant) with branches and sales network in 20 provinces and cities in China. The “Aoxing” stainless steel vacuum thermos containers are sold overseas in more than 50 countries in Asia and Europe. 廊坊开发区首都航天波纹管厂隶属于首都航天机械公司,是我国最早从事波纹管金属软管、金属波纹管膨胀节研制的厂家,其产品曾荣获国家金奖、部优产品及全国同行业质量评比第一名等荣誉,并成功研制我国高压(20Mpa)大通径大流量波纹金属管生产线,获国家专利。产品广泛用于航天、航空、冶金、石油、化工、能源、交通运输、电力、建筑等领域。 Capital Astronomic Corrugated Pipe Factory: subordinate to Astronomic Machinery Company, which is of the eldest enterprise in the research and manufacturing of corrugated metal soft pipe and its expansion joints. The procts won the State Jinlong Awards, ministry Excellent Procts Awards and the champion in national quality comparison and appraisal. The company also succeeded in the developing of the patented corrugated metal soft pipe with high-pressure (20Mpa), large diameter and flow capacity. The proct is widely applied for aerospace instry, aviation instry, metallurgical instry, petroleum instry, chemical instry, energy resource instry, communication and transportation, power instry, construction, etc. 廊坊中航福克电器有限公司是荷兰福克埃尔莫公司与中航工业总公司所属精密机械研究所和机械设备公司三方合资创建的企业,公司主要经营生产航空优质飞机电缆。 Langfang Zhonghang Fokker Electronic Company: Sino-Holland joint venture invested by Holland Fokker Irmo Company, the Institute of Precision Machinery and Mechanical Equipment Company of Zhonghang Instrial (General) Company. The main business of this company is the proction of high quality airplane cable. 中港合资吉信气弹簧制品有限公司是在廊坊经济技术开发区建立的高技术产品即气弹簧制品的生产基地。 Jixin Gas Spring Co., Ltd.: Sino-Hongkong joint venture, which is a manufacturing base of high-tech gas spring procts, located at Langfang ETDZ. 中基奥格氧保健有限公司是中国出口商品基地建设总公司和武汉中山集团股份有限公司共同出资组建。 China Base Oxygen Health Care Co.Ltd: invested by China Export Commodity Base Construction (General) Company and Wuhan Zhongshan Group (Share) Co., Ltd. 龙昌焊接技术公司是中油龙昌集团的骨干企业,生产自动焊接设备等产品,集科工贸为一体的综合技术公司。 Longchang Welding Technique Company: a comprehensive technical company integrates scientific research, instry and trade, with main business in the proction of automatic welding equipment. 华升富士达电梯有限公司是中纺天元实业有限公司与日本富士达株式会社共同兴建的合资企业。公司融合中纺与富士达的先进管理经验,依靠富士达领先世界的电梯制造技术,从事具有国际先进水平的电梯、自动扶梯、立体停车设备等产品及其零部件的设计、生产、销售、安装和维修保养业务,年产1000部各类电梯,产品40%外销。 Huasheng Fujitec Elevator Co., Ltd.: joint venture of Chinatex Tianyuan Company and Japanese Fujitec Corporation, engaged in the designing, manufacturing, selling, installation and maintenance of elevator, automatic staircase and vehicle parking equipment, with annual proction capacity of 1000 elevators and 40% of the its procts are exported to foreign countries. 新兴重机工业有限公司是由中国新兴集团总公司和日本东京JUKI株式会社合资,于1995年9月在廊坊开发区登记注册的工业用缝纫机专业制造公司。公司从日本引进最先进的机电加工设备和涂装设备,以赢得世界信赖的著名品牌,生产出满足中国及世界各国客户要求的产品。 Xinxing Instrial Co.,Ltd: Joint Venture of China Xinxing Group and Japan JUKI Corp, registered in the Langfang Economic Development Zone in September 1995. It engaged in the manufacturing of sewing machines for instrial use。As the supply base for JUkI brand instrial sewing machines, the company introced the latest equipment for mechanical processing and painting systems from Japan. The Company will supply procts, which meet the special needs of every customer. 廊坊玛连尼百莱玛机械有限公司:享有“带领世界潮流50年” 美誉的玛连尼沥青搅拌设备,自进入中国12年来,成为中国沥青设备的佼佼者。廊坊玛连尼百莱玛机械有限公司对产品有极高的质量要求,全新的管理模式和严格的质量保证体系。其生产的沥青设备是利用玛连尼最先进的设计及机件来制造的,钢结构件工艺及整机的组装都是在码连尼经验工程师的督导下完成。 Langfang Marini-Prima Machinery Co.Ltd: the Marini asphalt mixer enjoys high reputation worldwide. Since it came to China about 12 years ago, it has been a big winner in Chinese market in asphalt equipment field. Marini-Prima Company posts high requirement on its proct with unique management method and strict quality control system. Asphalt equipment made in Langfang unit adapts most advanced Marini design and parts and its steel structure process and final machinery assembling are carried out under the supervision of professional Marini engineers. 佑昌电器(中国)有限公司主要产品是灯光器材、电器开关头及配套设备,使用德国西门子照明器材制造技术和德国欧司朗灯光制造技术,正常年产可达2000万只。 Youchang (Hongkong) Lighting Appliance Co., Ltd.: mainly engaged in lighting appliance, switch for electrical appliance and the attached equipment. By using technology of Germany Siemens and Osron, the annual proction capacity has gone up to 20 million. 北方机械工程有限公司是华北最大的承揽经销工程机械的综合性企业,该公司设备先进,实力雄厚,可承揽各种大型基础设施工程和维修进口国产工程机械。 North Mechanical Engineering Co., Ltd.: the largest comprehensive company in North-China, which deals with contracting and selling of mechanical engineering. With advanced equipment and enormous potentiality, the company can contract any kinds of large-scale infrastructure engineering and maintain domestic and foreign mechanical engineering. 食品行业,代表企业有: Food instry, represented by: 日清食品有限公司是由中国粮油食品进出口总公司、日本国日清食品株式会社、三菱商事株式会社、金商又一株式会社联合出资在廊坊经济技术开发区兴建的以生产方便食品为主的大型中外合资食品加工企业。该公司一期生产规模为年产一亿份方便面,主要设备由日本引进,采用日清食品株式会社先进的生产工艺和管理技术,可生产多种风味,营养丰富的方便食品。 Nissin COFCO Foods Co., Ltd.:Sino-Japan joint venture funded by China National Cereals Oils & Foodstuff Imp. & Exp. Corp., Japanese Nissin Food Procts Co., Ltd. Mitsubishi Corp and Kinsho-Mataichi Corp. to proce fast food. The proction capacity of the company for the first phase is 100 million boxes of instant noodle annually. With advanced equipment and process as well as unique management and technology, the company is in the position to proce nutritious instant food with varies flavor. 好丽友食品有限公司第韩国东洋集团在廊坊经济技术一发区独资创建的集食品研制、开发、生产于一体的大型巧克力食品生产企业,该企业于1995年12月25日注册,1996年4月18日开工建设,目前已成为华北地区最优秀的巧克力派生产企业之一。好丽友食品有限公司以提高中国人民生活标准,改善饮食营养结构为目标,为东洋集团在中国投资的典范。 Orion Foods Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Korean Tong Yang Group to research, develop and manufacture chocolate foods in Langfang Economic and Technical Development Zone. The company was registered on 25 December 1995, and started construction on 18 April 1996. At present it is one of the best chocolate pie manufacturer in North China. Orion Food Co., Ltd. takes improving Chinese living standard and food nutrition structure as its target. In this case, Orion Food Co., Ltd. will become the investment model of Tong Yang Group. 廊坊双马食品有限公司是中国东方集团和韩国正友制果合资举办的大型食品企业,是美国G、F、C专利设备的特许使用者,主要生产跳跳糖果和各种小食品。 Shuangma Foods CO., Ltd.: large-scale food enterprise jointly invested by China Oriental Group and Korean Zhengyou Group. It is the authorized user of American G.F.C patented equipment. Main procts are jumping candy various snack foods. 中基金米兰咖啡制品有限公司的投资者,是有实力的经贸部直属中国出口商品基地建设总公司和意大利BRASILIA公司,公司生产咖啡制品,原料从七国进口,产品克服了速溶咖啡营养流失的缺点,将咖啡碾成粉末,压成片状,方便食用。 China Base Golden Milan Coffee Proct Co., Ltd.: jointly invested by China National Export Commodity Base Construction (General) Co. and Italian Brasilia Company, engaged in the proction of various coffee procts by using raw materials imported from 7 countries. Different from instant coffee proct, this company"s proct avoid the easy lost of nutrition, coffee bean are grinded into power and processed into slices for convenient drink. 廊坊红城堡酿酒有限公司是由法国(CASTEL)酿酒集团独资兴建的一家生产葡萄酒的企业,年产红葡萄酒1000万瓶。50%产品销往国际市场。 Langfang Red Castle Winery Co., Ltd.: invested exclusively by France Castle Winery Co., Ltd., with annual proction of 10 million bottles of red wine, 50% of which are for export. 杨协成(华北)饮料有限公司是由新加坡杨协成有限公司、香港时泰工程有限公司和广州新珠江集团公司合资兴建。该公司引进90年代国际水平自动生产线,设备从法国、意大利、丹麦、瑞典、新加坡等国进口,整个生产流程全部自动化。 Yeo Hiap Seng (Hua Bei)Beverage Co., Ltd.: jointly invested by Singapore Yeo Hiap Seng Co., Ltd. Hongkong Shitai Engineering Co., Ltd. Guangzhou New Pearl River Group Co. With imported equipment from France, Italy, Denmark, Sweden and Singapore, the entire proction line is fully automatic. 轻纺行业,代表企业有: Light and textile instry, represented by: 中纺廊坊实业基地—中纺城,由中纺天元实业有限公司投资并经营管理,中纺城占地面积16万余平方米,建有食堂,宿舍、公寓、浴室等多种设施,可保证中纺城内企业水、热、电气、通讯、食宿等各方面的需要,目前已有五家合资企业在此建厂。 1、 中纺宝特服装有限公司(中日合资) 2、 中纺瑰宝衬衫有限公司(中美合资) 3、 中纺希凯针织制衣有限公司(中日合资) 4、 廊坊欧陆毛衫有限公司(中德合资) 5、 华升富士达电梯有限公司(中日合资) 中纺城现有合适实业投资面积60,000平方米,欢迎外商合资、合作,共图发展,尤其欢迎将无污染、有市场和发展前景的新技术项目引进中纺城。 Chinatex City: the Langfang Instrial Base of Chinatex, is invested and operated by Chinatex Tianyuan Instrial Co., Ltd., covering 160,000 m2. The city was well equipped with restaurant, dormitory apartment, and bathrooms, which supply water, heat, electricity, communication and accommodation. At present there are five companies living in the city: 1. Chinatex Baote Clothing Co., Ltd. (Sinn-Japan joint venture); 2. Chinatex Guibao Shirt Co., Ltd. (Sino-American joint venture ); 3. Chinatex Xikai Knitwear Co., Ltd. (sino-Japanese joint venture); 4. Langfang Oulu Woolen Shirt Co., Ltd. (sino-Japanese joint venture); 5. Huasheng Fujitec elevator Co., Ltd. (sino-Japanese joint venture); About 60,000 m2 in the city is available for instrial investment. Foreign investors are welcome to make investment especially in high-tech project with promising market and pollution free. 华日家具有限公司总投资6000万元人民币,建筑面积30,000平方米,拥有员工2,000余人。华日公司从德国引进先进的生产流水线,参照ISO9000标准,华日板式拆装家具取得广大消费者信赖,屡获殊荣,该公司在全国各地拥有80多个销售点,华日人希望以自己的爱心,诚心,使广大用户放心,舒心、称心! Huari Furniture Co., Ltd.: totaled 60 million RMB in investment with construction area of 30,000 m2 and employee of over 2000. The company imported advanced proction line from Germany. Based on the standard of ISO9000, the plate furniture wins the trust of consumer and many honors as well. Huari has 80 sales offices all over the country. 海奇木业制品有限公司是中国海外贸易总公司与香港的合资企业,公司引进国际上的全套木工机械设备,利用进口原材料生产各类板式家具。 Haiqi Wooden Procts Co., Ltd.:joint venture between China Overseas Trade Corporation and a Hongkong company. The company imported complete advanced wood processing machinery equipment, and applied imported raw materials to proce various plate furniture. 廊坊立邦涂料有限公司是日本油漆(香港)有限公司在廊坊经济技术开发区建立的独资企业,主要生产建筑物使用的装饰漆、工业用漆、汽车和摩托车使用的阴极电泳漆及海事用防腐漆。立邦涂料有限公司一流的设备、先进的工艺和现代化的科学管理水平,确保产品优质,在国际市场享有盛誉。 Langfang Nippon Paint Co., Ltd.: exclusively invested by funded by Nippon Paint (Hongkong) Co., Ltd., specialized in the proction of various paint for decoration, instry, cathode electrophoresis paint and automobile and motorcycle coating, various paints for electronic appliance and furniture, and anti-corrosive paint for marine affairs, etc. With its first class equipment, advanced technology, modern scientific management and high, Nippon pain enjoys high reputation on international market. 廊坊多达厨房家具有限公司是韩国多达株式会社在廊坊经济技术开发区建立的独资企业,生产多式样多规格


防弹衣不是不是标准化流程生产商品,所以没有所谓的品牌。至于说让你去买国外的品牌,那也都是中国生产的,因为贴牌了,所以才有了“牌子”。防弹衣一般两种用料,芳纶和超高分子量聚乙烯,也就是ARAMID和UHMWPE所谓的KEVLAR是杜邦公司的注册品牌,实际就是芳纶。防弹衣还分部标和美标,部标是中国公安部标准,一般就是两个级别,防54和79微冲美标分的比较细,从NIJ I 级到NIJ IIIA级,IIIA级就是在不加装硬质插板的情况下防弹衣的最高防护级别了。 IIIA级又细分了两个级别,一个是9mm手枪弹,最高级别是.44马格努手枪弹。 加装插板最高能达到NIJ IV级,可以防m1加兰德步枪打出来的7.62 x 63mm穿甲弹, IV级板的用料一般有芳纶/氧化铝陶瓷, 芳纶/碳化硅陶瓷, 芳纶/碳化硼陶瓷, 以及UHMWPE跟这三种陶瓷的组合。 目前国内很多国有企业和民营企业都在生产防弹衣,防弹衣生产流程都是一样的,没有太高的技术含量,所以基本不存在质量的优劣之分。 标准防护的防弹衣 (前后防护),防护面积 一般在0.3平方米 (L 号)9mm和点44的价格差距不大,价格在600-750上下 (UHMWPE材质),芳纶的加100





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